
Table Beets

Beets can be planted early in the spring, as soon as the soil can be worked, and then repeat every three weeks during the summer for a steady supply. You can begin to harvest the beets as soon as they are about 1.5" in diameter. Both the beets and the tops are edible and packed with vitamins, but it is the greens that are the most nutritious.

Approximately 19,200 seeds per lb. 1 oz. is needed for a 100 foot row, 10 lb. per acre.


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Beets, Burpee Golden

Beautiful orange-yellow beets that don't bleed!

Beets, Cylindra

Long, dark red beets with no zoning.

Beets, Detroit Dark Red

Heirloom variety. Dark green tops with globe shaped red beets.

Beets, Early Wonder

Flattened, purplish-red globe with small tap root.